I Do you think you could describe what you do in 10 words?
F I evaluate investment proposals and assess their management teams.
I And how do you think your personal assistant would describe you?
F Determined, a bit insensitive .. . but with a sense of humour.
I Did you ever predict you would end up where you are today?
F No. I've ended up a great deal richer than I ever imagined. When I was a
young lad, I had no idea what I wanted to do and someone advised me to
go into private equity. Things just took off from there, really.
I Ah! I'd like to know who has been your biggest influence.
F My grandfather, without a doubt. He built himself up out of nothing.
I And can you tell me, what's the worst job you've ever done?
F Working in a motorway service station.
I Would you mind telling me what's the worst thing you've ever had to do
at work?
F Fire people. I hate doing it, but sometimes it's a necessary evil.
I And, um, I was wondering if you had any guilty pleasures.
F Guilty pleasures? Oh, lots -no, no, I'm only joking. Um, it would have to
be .. . taking it easy – I don't do it very often and then I feel guilty.
I And what would you say was your number-one rule?
F Be open and honest. It works in the long term.
I Right. And I have to ask you: have you ever lied at work?
F Eh .. . no. My wife tells me I'm a very bad liar!
I Ah! And have you ever praised someone and not meant it?
F No. Though a woman once threw a cup of coffee at me during her
investment proposal, so she probably wished I had.
I Oh. Um, so how important is money to you?
F Less than family, but more than sport.
Right, and if you hadn't gone into finance, have you any idea what you
would have done?
F I'd have been a dentist.
I Oh! And finally, I'd like to ask how you'd like to be remembered.
F As a loving husband and father who lived life to the full.